February 11, 2014

To Inspire & To Be Inspired

A silly question has been jumping up and down in my head for almost the entire morning. Do I inspire him? In which consequently links to more questions like: is he inspired by me? am I his inspirations? have I ever inspired him? if so, do I still inspire him? All these are questions whether or not I inspire him or not, evolving around me me and me. How important it is for me to know I inspire him at all times! But does he inspire me? Am I inspired by him? Has he ever inspired me? Am I still inspired by him? Is he my inspiration? These also emerged to say a hi to my already busy, questioning mind. Conclusion: do I inspire him? He said yes. But I don't know. Does he inspire me? Yes. In every possible way yes. After all, it's not as a silly question as it is.