February 04, 2009

Once Upon A Time

I wanted so much to fly. To say bye and stay high.

You caught me once. I was tammed. You let me go. I was free again.

Somehow we crossed the ocean together. I was no longer across the sea.

You held me tight, I couldn't breathe. You kissed me harder. I couldn't feel.

We didn't belong to each other. How could we? We were never supposed to.

You wondered why. I said bye. You gave up on us. And I asked why.

I must have been so high......

Yes I was blind, wasn't I?


Ficções do Século XIX said...

I guess you were blind, yes... :-)

Francesca said...

Yes. But back then, I refused to be blind to my own interests... I would call that a selective blindness... or selfishness. Time flies.


J. Camilo said...

selective blindness is nice...:-) but our selective blindness is what makes us unable to be where we should be or understand what is going on sometimes... :-) how are things going on now for the character in your story? :-) there is always another story waiting for us somewhere....:-)


Francesca said...

True. We are the ones building barriers around us. It's ironic how we often say ppl don't let us in if most of the time we don't let ourselves to go further?

The character is dancing in the rain while others are running away from it :)

How have you been Joao?

J. Camilo said...

Me? Hmmm... I am fine. Yesterday I purchased an old piano for $ 75, not bad, quite OK, it will cost me $200 or $250 to move it to my apartment but anyway... Seems crazy, but so it is. I am taking some lessons with a friend, I teach him French, he teaches me to better understand music and to really learn to play the piano. I have to keep in mind always that a Do is a C, a Re is a D, and so on... Besides that, life is melancolicamente disturbing... Depend on many or just some little things... Sometimes I can write a short story though, or finish one that I started and left in the computer waiting... Take care, Cesca... and learn... to see... :-)


J. Camilo said...

I can understand easily your fascination with the fingers caressing the keyboard. Or the strings of a violin or cello. Go to Youtube, Cesca, and see how Marc-André Hamelin can do it i the piano! Awesome, incredible - and beautiful besides that.

Isn't music closer and more faithful to the confuse reality of our deep feeling than words are? Maybe it is.

Have you traveled in China? I started to imagine recently that it can be a wild and refreshing experience. What do you think?

Hope you are feeling great! :-)


Francesca said...

Music "has an extraodinary" talent... able to extract our feelings and play them as precise and as exactly as they are. Words can either be sweet or as sharp as knives. But let's not lose our faith in words... Music and words are both channels where feelings and thoughts are transmitted. The difference between them, in my view, is that music touches you in a gentle and assertive way. Whereas, words can be confusing, exagerating, but they penetrate you and stay in forever, depending on who pronounced them... But again, feelings are confusing, uncontrallable, either described with music or words, the result is still confusing, no? I'm confused now... :P

I'm in China, but I haven't travelled much in this country. I'm planning to do so. Will be interesting and different like any other places I've been to. China gives some ppl that exotic, traditional and emperial impression... I guess yes. This country is exotic and has the oldest history of all. Yes, it will be refreshing and wild. Maybe you could come to this corner of the world and experience yourself how different this place can be :)

Joao, have a nice weekend and feel good about everything :D

J. Camilo said...

I agree with you in what concerns the power of words and the power of music. I am sometimes listening to different interpretations of the some work (Schubert's Death and the Maid, for example) by different interpreters and it's interesting to feel the subtle differences between them.

What would I do in Macao, Cesca? What is there to do? I fear feeling claustrophobic in a small place with too many people and not so much space. But I am tempted. :-) I have friends that lived there and all were enthusiastic about it. Maybe I should go to Macao and then and travel in the Changsha/HuNan region, it seems that it is very beautiful. If you go there meanwhile you tell me what you think... :-)

Have a nice week-end... :-)


Francesca said...

Yes, here is tiny yet you can't move around without a vehicle. Here's hot and humid. Waves of people everywhere passing by you, rubbing inches of your body. Claustrophobic, that's right. But, in this intensely little space, where you encounter people from everwhere, you get to find something strangely beautiful and peaceful. It would be nice to see your temptation wining your heart and mind, just so you can see this cozy (not always... haha) corner of world.

Have a nice day Joao :)

Ficções do Século XIX said...

Hmmm.. Maybe I should spend one month in China this Summer, then... Should I, really? I have been thinking about it, but I am still not sure that I want to travel so faraway and to make what can be a wild experience... I am also afraid of getting bored... :-) If I start my for the moment imaginary trip to China in Macao maybe I can invite you to have coffee with me and if you have a moment and are in a good mood you will maybe take the time to explain to me how to behave in China, where to go, what to do... :-)
Maybe I used to think about China as a continent belonging to another planet, not to ours. I saw the film inspired by Marguerite Duras' novel and I loved some other Chinese movies, but I looked at everything I saw with the same maybe suspicious eyes: it's not our world or at least my world.... And yet there was something strong and pure in the love stories that I saw and I could understand it... :-)

I hope you had a wonderful week-end, Cesca. Here the weather is finally nice and stable... :-)


Francesca said...

I can't assure you, you won't find it boring here, but it'a always nice to get to know a little more about the world... can't never be too far... too scared :) In case you allow yourself to breathe the eastern air, let me know... My mood does swing but I'm sure they will be in a good mode to show you around :)

What a coincidence, I'm reading "the lovers" by Marguerite Duras... I assume that's the one you were talking about. I have seen parts of the movie. Got the book ages ago but was never in the mood to read it until a few days ago.

I guess "Love" is really the universal languages. Even when ppl do not belong to the same world, they always find a way to understand when it's about LOVE.

My weekend was nice, can't afford to spend grey ones, there should more reason to smile :D

Hope you are starting a fresh, sunny and happy week Joao :)

J. Camilo said...

Thank you, Cesca, for your support!:-)

Yes, that's i: L'Amant, The Lover.

Have you seen the films of Wong Kar-wai? What do you think? Is he loved in Macao too?


It's late here, I'm going to bed now....:-)

Enjoy happy days!


Francesca said...


I haven't seen "in the mood for love" yet. He is appreciated by the young generation here in south asia... Some ppl find his movies too weird and too pretentious... I like his movies. The only downside, in my opinion, is that he kept "using" the same actors for most of his movies... Maggie Cheung, Leslie Cheung (passed away), Carina Lau, Tony Leung (his fav actor) and so on... Most ppl here when they hear the name of those actors, they immediately think the movie is going to rock regardless... Only if he could add more new blood to his movies... I hope he will.

Macau is too humid today. It's been raining mildly. Depressing weather for a rather busy Thursday.

Hope the sun is shining over there, above you :) (don't get burned though :P)