November 19, 2010

Looking For The Moon In The Morning

I called you because I needed to hear your voice. Not because I had something to tell you. You once said "it's not about what you do or say, what matters, at times, it's the things that you were supposed to do and say but you just don't do it! that's what matters the most!"... Yea, that's what matters the most... I miss you. I miss you so much... I almost thought I saw you in the lift today, until I saw his face and realized there was this huge disappointment dropped on me. You weren't there. Once again, I was in a crowded place feeling the loneliest person in the world only because you weren't next to me.

And here I am, repeating the same mistake by not saying out loud what's inside me, what is supposed to be said. I guess that's the reason why we are apart until the day when I can finally tell you what you've been waiting for so long.

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