August 23, 2011

Number 2

She was at the same bar, drinking the usual glass of wine, waiting for the same person every night.

He was working there, serving numerous drinks, chit chatting with his customers, longing for the one who can truly talk and listen to him.

The bar was called Number 2. The boss named it, hoping that lonely souls could have a nice time there, and leaving the place holding hands with someone who make them feel special.

A lot of the customers did indeed meet their other halves there. Some lasted, some not so lucky.

It was Christmas Eve, and the place was crowded with people cheering, laughing, enjoying the night.

But the woman wasn't there. The bar tender was wondering after all she was bored and had other better things to do on that special night.

When the bar was about to close, the woman was there. He was surprised to see her and asked if he could help her with anything.

She said: come home with me, that's the place we belong together.

He couldn't believe in his eyes. He ran to her and asked: honey, you finally remember me!!!! Yes yes, we go home now, we go back to our home now my sweetie...

They met many years ago in that bar, but her memory was slowly deteriorating until she couldn't recognize most of the people she knew. She only remembered the bar, the glass of wine, the same table and chair where she met the man of her life. He had been tremendously patient with her throughout the years hoping that one day, for a split second she remembered him, holding his hand to walk back home, together. And finally that day had arrived.

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