April 10, 2014

Keep Quiet

People say a lot. A lot of words live with us. Touch us. Pass us by, every single day. And we linger on them, breathing the truth out of them. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don't. And at others, we are simply not sure what they truly mean, how truthful they are. I can't remember where and when I saw: "silence is the most honest and truthful word". And I couldn't agree more. We tend to say so many already meaningless words to keep uncomfortable quietness away, to divert how we really feel, what we want to say but too scared and coward to say them, and we end up using words to beautify what's unbearable, to resurrect what's already dead, to delude those around us, even ourselves. Sometimes, those who are brave enough to accept what they truly feel, think and live by, those who respect you enough not to tell you any more rosy words, those who would rather not talk to you, not say a word to you, not to pronounce another deceiving spell, are those who tell you the truth, the most honest and sincere words.Words lie. But silence don't.

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