March 18, 2009



we were both on the same spot
you travelled a bit faster
a bit further,
I was still behind you
chasing for a clue
to make me closer to you.
storms after storms
there were rainbows,
we both smiled and cried
thoughout the flashing time.
I followed you whenever I was needed
you handed me your hand when I was desperate,
happiness was in the air.
how about now?
things have changed.
am I walking too fast,
forgetting to rest and the past?
or is it you stopping too often
ignoring everyone?
we barely look at
and see
each other,
the shape of your hands?
I can't even remember...
when did we stop saying 'you are my lover'?
I'm trying to sustain my feelings
not wanting to hurt or be hurt
and here you are
leaving me alone with all your problems
blaming me for what I haven't done
or felt.
I can't take this anymore
I've got a path to walk on
a sky to touch
a heart to love and be loved,
I don't want to be alone in my own home
or talk to a person who is no longer listening to my words.
my heart is crying out for help
just a tiny moment,
it got to be listened
only a slice of your time,
where are you?
maybe you are feeling the same,
you might think I'm going too far away,
without sense of shame,
spreading my wings too early
driving you too moody,
we are lost in a crossroad,
can't you see?
let's try to make it work
we need patience
and passion
once again...
just listen
to what's been here
for so long inside
my mind

I was going through some of my old written stuffs and I found "Listen". It was written about 3 years ago when I was having a very rough time in my then relationship. I can still taste the bitterness and frustration I felt back then. And it's funny how a strange tingling feeling is growing inside me right now when I read it. But it no longer hurts.

1 comment:

Ficções do Século XIX said...

What I like, Francesca, is that you do not waste your time and words trying to imitate what some people call poetry (old stuff)... The way you say it is much more interesting and believable... :-)

Have a beautiful week-end... :-=
