September 13, 2009

14:45 - 19:15

"Right at this moment I am the luckiest person in the world.

Time goes by
People change
But at this second
Only you and I
Remain placid"

This place is crowded
hot and humid,
people are whispering
and laughing.
Their skin
touches mine
every once in a while.
Various scents
disturb my senses,
some are pleasing
and others
I keep walking
passing by strangers,
mentally portraying
each person's story
behind their worn out masks.
And I get tired because
the barriers are too thick
they don't let me in,
how can they
if they can't even remember
their own stories of life?

I want to see a face,
a Chinese girl
with a delicate
porcelain face.
I don't care about her past
I don't care who she is
all I want is her unique face
hanged on my wall.
She's the only one
I'm not interested
in her story.
Because she only serves
for one purpose,
and that is
to be right in the middle
of a lonely wall.
How many of us are mere decorations,
accessories to others?
I can't count.

But when I look
at you
and those words
you wrote,
I know we ain't
each other's accessories
and I'm driven away
from this chaotic world.
I can't help it
but to taste some of the greatest
flavours of life:
surtout l'amour.
Am I an exaggerator?

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