November 06, 2009

The Couple (II)

When I see them run, having fun all the way through, it makes me want to play with them. I haven't had a proper laugh in years. I see her standing nearby the door staring at me, waiting for me to say something. But I can't. I just can't. And I'm not going to. She comes over and kisses me. But I feel nothing. Really. Her lips are cold and it's unnerving how she acts like that trying so hard to make me love her. Well, I guess I've this abnormality called "the incapacity to love". And I'm so proud of it. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. What do you want me to do?! You knew it, so why are you trying to make me feel bad?! You can cry, I'm not going to wipe your tears. I thought you got used to this... And yes, I can see tears rolling down her pale face. I seriously don't know why she keeps doing this to herself. It doesn't affect me, it only damages her own self. She must be really dumb to still think I'll change when I see her cry. It's the 1629th time she's doing it. Some people just never learn... She finally moves her ass and leaves the room, but before she does, she gives me that look. The sort of look that says - you'll regret it. Want to know what I'm regretted of? Is that I was stupid enough choosing to be with you, that's what I regret. And I'm showing her a complete relieved happy face. Glad to see her moving. Just go and don't try that on me ever again.

You might wonder why I'm being such a complete ass to her. And to you, my reader, there's always a reason behind every action, because that's the motivation to actually put that action into action, you see what I mean? She's the most cruel woman I've ever met. She manipulates people, influences those close around her, and she doesn't waste a chance to prove to others how cool she is. She is nuts. And I hate her. You might think, all women are a bit like that, so there's really no reason to over react. Oh you haven't seen what she's capable of, just yet.

My story is simple. I grew up without having a proper dad around at home. Did quite badly at school but managed to get to university without finishing my degree. Been into a few relationships and ending up with someone I thought was perfect for me. Unemployed and ready to die. Yes, that's my story. Simple and pretty common. When I die I won't take the truth with me, I'll let the whole world know what happened and what a mental freak she was to me. I'm not going to hold the truth with me like many of us do. Why would we do that? That's so selfish. I might be a coward, but at least I know the ugly truth and am willing to share it. How many of us can do that?

I just don't want her near me when I'm ready to perish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"When I die I won't take the truth with me, I'll let the whole world know what happened and what a mental freak she was to me. I'm not going to hold the truth with me like many of us do. Why would we do that? That's so selfish. I might be a coward, but at least I know the ugly truth and am willing to share it. How many of us can do that?I just don't want her near me when I'm ready to perish"

Very nice
